There’s been a lot of talk about wildlife following the coronavirus lockdown and how nature has thrived whilst we’ve all been staying at home. One particular creature that has received attention is the humble bee. They are vitally important to our ecosystem and yet can sometimes be overlooked.
They are crucial pollinators for flowers, fruit and vegetables to help them grow. Bumblebees are also important agricultural pollinators so their declining numbers is definitely a cause for concern. Indeed, WWF figures suggest that 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on pollination – that’s a hefty one in every three mouthfuls of the food that we eat.
Wildflowers are also fundamental for attracting bees and other pollinators. Being especially adapted to the climate and conditions of their native country, they are able to support indigenous wildlife without upsetting the carefully balanced local environment. Our Pureshore Jewellery Wildflower Collection, inspired by long coastal walks has made us more aware of the role that bees play in the UK ecology.
If you find a struggling bee the kindest thing to do is to place it gently onto a bee friendly flower or if this is not possible, mix 50/50 white sugar and water (not honey as this can contain harmful pathogens) to give it an energy boost which will hopefully allow it to fly away. This was a trick I learnt recently from my brother Ben after he discovered a docile bumblebee on our office window ledge!
Bees are active from early spring to late autumn so this is definitely the time of year to be giving them some thought…which is why we have decided to donate 10% of our profits on the Pureshore Jewellery Wildflower Collection from now until the end of November 2020 to local bee conservation efforts. By purchasing a piece of jewellery from our Wildflower Collection you will be making a small contribution to the survival and success of the humble bee and in turn benefit our wider ecosystem.
Did you know that worker honey bees live on average only five to six weeks whilst the queen can live anything up to five years? During the summer months she can lay up to 2,500 eggs so she’s definitely no slacker! The role of the male drone bees is to mate with the queen. Once winter comes and they have served their purpose they are rudely ejected from the nest! Worker bees meanwhile, who are responsible for foraging for pollen and nectar as well as building and cleaning the hive and additionally circulating air throughout the hive by beating their wings are always female…I’ll leave you with that thought ; )
Olivia x